How ‘universal’ is the human emotion?

Mack Aroni🌙
2 min readApr 22, 2020


If you put a movie on mute, just from the facial expressions

you can tell how one person feels about another:

“Why is he telling me this,”

Is a certain type of facial flinch

so different from

“He’s annoying,” or “i’m bored.”

It is the art of that flinch that we applaud

and call “Acting genius.”

i sit and watch tv and wonder

(always wondering)

if an “alien” or something from somewhere else

saw a movie,

would they be able to ‘tell’ whats going on? that her tears mean sadness?

What is

the scale of emotion?

Does it exist elsewhere?

Is it a common language, a thread that holds all the dimensions in relation to each other?

Something we all share

Beyond space and time, perhaps the link between a chain of realms

The monkey bars on the

playground of imagination?

if we come from the earth, and we have emotions

who else got em?? what do thunderstorms feel like for the earth?

are they emotional for her? Beyond Her. How ‘universal’ is suffering?

joy? annoyance? the paints of experience?

It is the shared feeling

underneath the flinch

that creates empathy.

Is that

what can communicate to the beyond?

i have more questions but i tired now



Mack Aroni🌙

Elf of Nyc. Philosophy is in the Pi 3.1415926535 8979323846 26433832795028841971693993751